Chapter 2 A life of their own
Chapter 2 A life of their own Chapter 2 A life of their own 'Your trainers are alive,'I tell him. 'They go out at night on their own, without you. You know those little metal holes where you put your laces? Well, they aren't lace holes. They're eyes. Your trainers have got lots of eyes, like spiders. Did you know that? And they've got big slurpy purple tongues.' But my brother just groans, 'You do talk a load of rubbish!' Then he turns over and goes back to sleep. Those trainers are getting
Chapter 2 A life of their own

Chapter 2 A life of their own

'Your trainers are alive,'I tell him. 'They go out at night on their own, without you.You know those little metal holes where you put your laces?Well, they aren't lace holes. They're eyes.Your trainers have got lots of eyes, like spiders.Did you know that? And they've got big slurpy purple tongues.'

But my brother just groans, 'You do talk a load of rubbish!'Then he turns over and goes back to sleep.
Those trainers are getting me really mad. They're wrecking my things.Today I found my crayons mashed into the carpet.
'You shouldn't have left them on the floor,'said my brother. But I bet those trainers did it.
Clump, clump, clump. You can't get away from them.You can hear them all over the house.
'Who squashed this chewing gum into the carpet?'shouts Mum.
'It's these trainers,'says my big brother. 'I haven't got used to them yet.They're so big and heavy I can't control them. They keep treading on things!'
'Don't be silly,'says Mum. 'It's your fault, not your trainers.You're talking as if your trainers have a life of their own.'
Mum doesn't know it. But she's exactly right.Those trainers do have a life of their own. They have a secret life.They go out at night, on their own, when we're all asleep.They must do, mustn't they? How else could they be in a different place by morning?
Tonight I'm going to prove it.I'm going to follow those trainers and see where they go. I'm going to spy on them.
It's night time. It must be very late because the house is quiet.Mum and Dad are in bed. But I'm not asleep.I'm watching those trainers, like I said I would.
It's hard work. My eyes keep closing. 'Don't fall asleep!'I whisper to myself. 'Stay awake!'
The trainers are behaving themselves so far. They haven't moved at all.But their spider eyes are glittering in the dark.
I don't trust them. They're very sneaky.As soon as I dose my eyes they'll be off, on their own.
But my eyelids are so heavy. My head is dropping down.