CHAPTER TWO The Lonely Guitar
CHAPTER TWO The Lonely Guitar CHAPTER TWO The Lonely Guitar A few days later, Eddie arrives at Luis's house for practice. The garage door is open, and Luis is playing a rhythm on his drums. Eddie is happy to see that Ruben is already there. After some quick hellos, the boys get ready to play the song they have chosen for the festival. They used to spend a lot of time joking at their practices. Now they get right down to business. The band plays only a few verses of their song when Ruben begi
CHAPTER TWO The Lonely Guitar

CHAPTER TWO The Lonely Guitar
A few days later, Eddie arrives at Luis's house for practice.The garage door is open, and Luis is playing a rhythm on his drums.Eddie is happy to see that Ruben is already there.
After some quick hellos, the boys get ready to play the song they have chosen for the festival.They used to spend a lot of time joking at their practices.Now they get right down to business.
The band plays only a few verses of their song when Ruben begins making mistakes.Eddie stops the music. Ruben looks up in embarrassment.
"Sorry. I helped my father build a shed for our backyard this weekend.I guess my fingers are still sore," Ruben apologizes.