A Sound Move
A Sound Move A Sound Move CHAPTER ONE The Invitation Eddie slams his math book closed and shoves it into his book bag. He stuffs the last of his sandwich into his mouth and jumps off of his bed. Then he picks up the huge case that holds his accordion. Eddie is careful with the case. This accordion is special. It has been in his family for generations. First, Eddie's grandfather played it, then Eddie's father, and now it belongs to Eddie. The accordion is his prized possession. Music has
A Sound Move

A Sound Move

CHAPTER ONE The Invitation
Eddie slams his math book closed and shoves it into his book bag.He stuffs the last of his sandwich into his mouth and jumps off of his bed.Then he picks up the huge case that holds his accordion.
Eddie is careful with the case. This accordion is special.It has been in his family for generations.First, Eddie's grandfather played it, then Eddie's father, and now it belongs to Eddie.The accordion is his prized possession.
Music has been a part of Eddie's family for generations.The Hernandez family came to the United States from Mexico, when Eddie's grandfather was a little boy.They settled in San Antonio, Texas, where other Mexican families had moved.Music often filled the air in the close-knit neighborhood.