Chapter 2 Grandad
Chapter 2 Grandad Chapter 2 Grandad I haven't told Mum and Dad yet about Goldie being missing. They wouldn't understand. They're not interested in Grandad's pigeons. I tried to get out of coming to see Grandad. I told Mum, 'I can't go to the hospital. I don't feel very well!' But she said, 'Come on, Danny. He'll be expecting you. He'll be really disappointed if you don't come to see him.' So now we're walking into Grandad's ward. There are flowers everywhere but it doesn't smell of flower
Chapter 2 Grandad

Chapter 2 Grandad

I haven't told Mum and Dad yet about Goldie being missing.They wouldn't understand. They're not interested in Grandad's pigeons.
I tried to get out of coming to see Grandad.I told Mum, 'I can't go to the hospital. I don't feel very well!'
But she said, 'Come on, Danny. He'll be expecting you.He'll be really disappointed if you don't come to see him.'
So now we're walking into Grandad's ward.There are flowers everywhere but it doesn't smell of flowers. It smells of disinfectant.And everyone's talking in whispers, as if they're in a church.
Where's Grandad? I've just walked right past him! He's in a high white bed.And he doesn't look like my Grandad because he's had a shave and he hasn't got his scruffy old jumper on.He's got smart white and blue pyjamas on.
'Say hello to your Grandad, Danny,' says Mum, pushing me towards the bed.
But the words won't come out of my mouth.
There's a machine by Grandad's bed. It looks a bit like a TV with green wavy lines on the screen.
Grandad's joined to the machine by wires stuck to his chest.I know what's wrong with him. No one told me but I heard Mum and Dad talking about it.
'He's had a heart attack,' Mum told Dad.'Only a very mild one. But it's a warning. He'll have to take it easy from now on.'
Mum puts some grapes on Grandad's bed. 'What did the doctor say?' she asks him.