Chapter 2 Little Puss
Chapter 2 Little Puss Chapter 2 Little Puss The evening darkened. Bonfires and lanterns were lit. Then a grand and noisy procession began. Dick pushed through to the front of the crowd to watch. There were archers and soldiers with breastplates glinting in the torchlight. There were drummers and pipers. Trumpeters on horseback blasted sounds that Dick felt in his throat. He cheered with the rest of the crowd. Last of all came rows of boys in fine cloaks, Dick pointed. "Please," he asked
Chapter 2 Little Puss

Chapter 2 Little Puss

The evening darkened. Bonfires and lanterns were lit.Then a grand and noisy procession began.
Dick pushed through to the front of the crowd to watch.There were archers and soldiers with breastplates glinting in the torchlight.
There were drummers and pipers.Trumpeters on horseback blasted sounds that Dick felt in his throat.He cheered with the rest of the crowd.
Last of all came rows of boys in fine cloaks, Dick pointed."Please," he asked a woman. "Who are they?"
"Those are the apprentice boys.They are learning a trade," she told him.
"In a year or two, they will all be fine gentlemen."
"Like the squire's son," thought Dick."And that's what I want to be! An apprentice"