Chapter 2 More Piggy Problems

Chapter 2 More Piggy Problems Chapter 2 More Piggy Problems I stayed in my daydream a real long time. Also, I think I snored a little bit. Then - all of a sudden - SMACK! Mr. Scary clapped his loud hands together! And that noise scared the daylights out of me, I tell you! I jumped straight up in my seat. And my arms flinged out very crazy! Then my hand knocked into my dictionary! And oh no! Oh no! That heavy book went over the edge of my desk! And it landed on my sore toe! "OW!” I shou


Chapter 2 More Piggy Problems

Chapter 2 More Piggy Problems

I stayed in my daydream a real long time. Also, I think I snored a little bit.

Then - all of a sudden - SMACK! Mr. Scary clapped his loud hands together!

And that noise scared the daylights out of me, I tell you!

I jumped straight up in my seat. And my arms flinged out very crazy!

Then my hand knocked into my dictionary! And oh no! Oh no!

That heavy book went over the edge of my desk!And it landed on my sore toe! "OW!” I shouted real loud.

I reached for my foot. And I started to cry. Mr. Scary came running back to me.

Then he quick sent Herbert to the school nurse to get some ice.

And hurray for Herbert! 'Cause he brought that woman back with him!

Her name is Mrs. Weller. I know her from previous accidents.

Mrs. Weller gave me some tissues. And she put an ice bag on my piggy toe.

It felt heavy and soggy on that sore guy.

I pulled my foot away. But she put it right back again.

"Please, Junie B.,” said Mrs. Weller."If you just keep this ice on your toe, it will start to feel better. I promise.”

I shook my head real fast.

"No, it won't, Mrs. Weller,” I said. "I know it won't.'Cause Mother already put ice on that same toe yesterday.But today it still hurt. And that's how come I had to wear sandals to school.”

"Oh, dear,” she said. "You mean this poor toe was already injuredbefore you came to school today?” I did a sniffle.

"Yes,” I said. "It was injured a real lot, Mrs. Weller.On account of yesterday I kicked a cow. And that thing was solid as a rock, I tell you.”

Mrs. Weller's face went funny. "You ... you kicked a cow?” she said real soft.
