Chapter 2 My Parents
Chapter 2 My Parents Chapter 2 My Parents At last my parents are here! The longing is over, and we are hugging each other, my tears mingling with theirs. My parents stand back to look at me. My mother touches my heavy skirt and stiff blouse. My father starts to speak to me, but the teacher calls out, "English only, please." My father doesn't understand, and I have to tell him. "We must speak in English," I say. "It's a rule." He frowns and falls silent. My parents don't speak much English.
Chapter 2 My Parents

Chapter 2 My Parents

At last my parents are here! The longing is over, and we are hugging each other, my tears mingling with theirs.
My parents stand back to look at me.My mother touches my heavy skirt and stiff blouse.My father starts to speak to me, but the teacher calls out, "English only, please."
My father doesn't understand, and I have to tell him."We must speak in English," I say. "It's a rule."
He frowns and falls silent. My parents don't speak much English.How can they talk to me if they can't speak in their own language?How can I explain that I still honor our ways in my heart, even if I look different?
We sit silently as the clock ticks away.