Chapter 2 Over the River
Chapter 2 Over the River Chapter 2 Over the River About an hour before we arrived at the park, we had to take a long detour because of a fire on a hill. There was a lot of smoke, and I saw a helicopter drop water on the fire. Finally, we drove into Yosemite National Park. Nana smirked as we wound through, admiring the fauna and the lush, green natural surroundings. "Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all," she said - though the frown on her face told a different story. At Housekeeping Camp
Chapter 2 Over the River

Chapter 2 Over the River

About an hour before we arrived at the park, we had to take a long detour because of a fire on a hill.There was a lot of smoke, and I saw a helicopter drop water on the fire.
Finally, we drove into Yosemite National Park.Nana smirked as we wound through, admiring the fauna and the lush, green natural surroundings."Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all," she said - though the frown on her face told a different story.