Chapter 3 The Surprise
Chapter 3 The Surprise Chapter 3 The Surprise The following day, Kevin's mother said, "I'll bake a blueberry pie if you pick a bucketful of berries." His mother's pies were delicious and picking berries was fun work, so he happily agreed. He ran for a bucket and was soon in the forest looking for wild blueberry bushes. He found one and began picking. He had filled more than half the bucket with blueberries when a loud sound caused him to look up from his work. A squirrel had gotten its bush
Chapter 3 The Surprise

Chapter 3 The Surprise
The following day, Kevin's mother said, "I'll bake a blueberry pie if you pick a bucketful of berries."
His mother's pies were delicious and picking berries was fun work, so he happily agreed.He ran for a bucket and was soon in the forest looking for wild blueberry bushes.He found one and began picking.
He had filled more than half the bucket with blueberries when a loud sound caused him to look up from his work.
A squirrel had gotten its bushy tail caught under a large, fallen branch.It thrashed about, trying to tug free.Kevin noticed that the branch was wedged tightly under a rock.He pulled the branch out, freeing the squirrel.
The squirrel scampered up onto the rock.Kevin expected it to race away, but it didn't.Instead, it studied Kevin, its dark eyes blinking.