Chapter 3 Teaching Electricity to Talk

Chapter 3 Teaching Electricity to Talk Chapter 3 Teaching Electricity to Talk Now if my master Aleck had not experimented with his piano as a boy, he would not have known about vibrations. If he had not known about vibrations, he would not have tried to make the Harmonic Telegraph. And if he had not been working on the Harmonic Telegraph, he could not have made the mistake that led to the telephone. It's all tied up together, you understand. And if my master Aleck had not been so interested in


Chapter 3 Teaching Electricity to Talk

Chapter 3 Teaching Electricity to Talk

Now if my master Aleck had not experimented with his piano as a boy,he would not have known about vibrations.If he had not known about vibrations, he would not have tried to make the Harmonic Telegraph.And if he had not been working on the Harmonic Telegraph,he could not have made the mistake that led to the telephone.

It's all tied up together, you understand.And if my master Aleck had not been so interested in everything,he would not have starting thinking about a speaking telegraph!

"Do you know how the voice works, my dear dog?" my master asked me one cold March day.

"When a person talks," my master explained, "the sound is made by air.As you breathe air out forcibly, the air passes through a structure called the voice box.The voice box vibrates, pushing the air together and creating little waves of sound.These sound waves travel through the air until they reach an ear.There, they strike the thin skin of what's called your eardrum.The eardrum tells your brain what it hears.Then, you hear it! Isn't that wonderful?"

I nuzzled his hand. "If we could only make electricity talk!" he said.I didn't really understand; but then, these things are rather complicated for dogs, after all.
