Chapter 2 Pirates Attack!
Chapter 2 Pirates Attack! Chapter 2 Pirates Attack! Pirates quickly gained a reputation of being ruthless villains. Sailors on other ships were filled with fear when they saw a pirate ship approaching. They had heard tales of pirates and their nasty deeds. Most of the ships being attacked were cargo ships that lacked weapons for fighting off the pirates. The sailors knew there was little they could do to stop the pirates. Some pirates used smaller and swifter boats for night attacks. They woul
Chapter 2 Pirates Attack!

Chapter 2 Pirates Attack!

Pirates quickly gained a reputation of being ruthless villains.Sailors on other ships were filled with fear when they saw a pirate ship approaching.They had heard tales of pirates and their nasty deeds.Most of the ships being attacked were cargo ships that lacked weapons for fighting off the pirates.The sailors knew there was little they could do to stop the pirates.
Some pirates used smaller and swifter boats for night attacks.They would come alongside a cargo ship in the darkness of night.Then they would quickly seize the ship and kill many of the unsuspecting crew.