CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Inside the tent, a man was handing a glass of water to a red-faced woman. A boy was standing next to the woman's chair. "Do you feel better, Mom?" the boy asked. "Much better, Ronnie," his mother said. "Thank you, Dr..." "Fleming," the man said, looking down at the tag pinned over the pocket on his white jacket. She stood up. "Come on, Ronnie, let's get some lemonade," she said to her son. "Thanks again, Doctor Fleming." "No problem," the doctor said. He glanced up

Inside the tent, a man was handing a glass of water to a red-faced woman.A boy was standing next to the woman's chair.
"Do you feel better, Mom?" the boy asked.
"Much better, Ronnie," his mother said. "Thank you, Dr..."
"Fleming," the man said, looking down at the tag pinned over the pocket on his white jacket.
She stood up. "Come on, Ronnie, let's get some lemonade," she said to her son."Thanks again, Doctor Fleming."
"No problem," the doctor said. He glanced up at Mr. Hathaway and the three kids."Who's the patient?" he asked. "Me," Dink said.
The doctor pointed to two folding chairs. "Have a seat, please."
There were no other chairs in the tent. "We'll wait outside,"Mr. Hathaway said. He guided Josh and Ruth Rose to the tent opening.