Chapter 3 A Surprising Journey
Chapter 3 A Surprising Journey Chapter 3 A Surprising Journey One day, my father roused me earlier than usual. We were going fishing. Yes! It was better than planting maize any day. Our village was near the sea, and we walked down to the beach together. I helped push the boat out, and then we both climbed in. The huge, blue sea stretched out in front of us, and our boat seemed very small as we bobbed gently over the waves. My father helped me bait the hook on my line. "Now, keep your wits abou
Chapter 3 A Surprising Journey

Chapter 3 A Surprising Journey
One day, my father roused me earlier than usual.We were going fishing. Yes! It was better than planting maize any day.Our village was near the sea, and we walked down to the beach together.I helped push the boat out, and then we both climbed in.
The huge, blue sea stretched out in front of us, and our boat seemed very small as we bobbed gently over the waves.My father helped me bait the hook on my line."Now, keep your wits about you," he said. "We need to catch plenty of fish. And don't rock the boat!"
I held the line between my fingers.I watched the pattern of the sun on the water, the way it shifted and glinted,and the way the waves curled off the boat in white ripples.I began to make up a story in my head about a boy who caught a fish so huge that ...
Suddenly there was a sharp tug on my fingers. I jerked back so fast that the boat lurched.My father shouted, "Hey!" but he managed to shift his weight quickly so that the boat didn't capsize.