Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California
Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California My favorite class is language arts, even though we read a lot. Miss Smith lets us work in groups, the way we did in my Thai school. Today, I made friends with a quiet girl. Her name is Heather. She is in my group. Heather is quiet because she is deaf. We are learning to understand each other. She is teaching me sign language. We talk with our hands. Miss Smith asked us to paint something from nature and wri
Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California

Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California

My favorite class is language arts, even though we read a lot.Miss Smith lets us work in groups, the way we did in my Thai school.
Today, I made friends with a quiet girl. Her name is Heather.She is in my group. Heather is quiet because she is deaf.We are learning to understand each other.She is teaching me sign language. We talk with our hands.
Miss Smith asked us to paint something from nature and write a poem about it.What could I paint? I do not see nature in the city.
Heather said she would help. She invited me to go to her favorite place with her and her mother tomorrow.It is called the Japanese Friendship Garden.
But I am also scared about writing a poem. I don't think I can rhyme words in English!