Chapter 3 Quicksand!
Chapter 3 Quicksand! Chapter 3 Quicksand! Soon, the weather changed for the worse. It was cold. It was wet. It was windy. Winter had arrived and that meant there would be hard times for a few weeks. There was nothing much to eat and many of the animals went to bed hungry. But Brer Rabbit didn't let that stop him traipsing around and getting into frolics. One day he noticed something strange. Although all his friends were getting thinner and thinner, Brer Wolf was getting fatter and fatter.
Chapter 3 Quicksand!

Chapter 3 Quicksand!

Soon, the weather changed for the worse.It was cold. It was wet. It was windy.Winter had arrived and that meant there would be hard times for a few weeks.
There was nothing much to eat and many of the animals went to bed hungry.But Brer Rabbit didn't let that stop him traipsing around and getting into frolics.
One day he noticed something strange.Although all his friends were getting thinner and thinner, Brer Wolf was getting fatter and fatter.That bothered Brer Rabbit.
"Here we are so hungry that our ribs are showing!" he said to himself."And Brer Wolf's looking as fat as a ball of butter. Something's up."
So he kept an eye on Brer Wolf and, before long, he found out what was going on.Brer Wolf was stealing chickens from Mr Man's farm.
Then, every week, he went to the market on his old horse-cart with a bag full of chickens to sell.
That way, he always had enough money to buy food.
So, the next market day, Brer Rabbit woke up before sunrise and set off walking towards town.
Before very long, Brer Wolf came past on his horse-cart, with a bag full of chickens on the back.
"'Morning Brer Rabbit," he said. "How are you?"
"Not so good," replied Brer Rabbit, wiping his brow."I've got to go to the market to buy myself a new pocket hanky and it's an awfully long walk."
"Mmm…" said Brer Wolf,widening his stony eyes, "I'm going to the market myself."
"Oh,are you?" beamed Brer Rabbit. "Can I have a lift?"
"You're more than welcome," said Brer Wolf, feeling that his chance to catch Brer Rabbit had come at last.
Brer Rabbit jumped up on to the old horse-cart, and off they went.
Great, grey clouds were blowing across the sky and it was bitterly cold.The sun was only just starting to peep through the trees.
After a time, Brer Wolf said, "Brer Rabbit,I'm freezing!I'm so cold 1 don't know what to do.
"There's a big fire across there in the woods, Brer Wolf," said Brer Rabbit, looking into the trees with his velvety eyes.You could go and warm yourself beside it.And, since you've been so kind, giving me a lift, I'll wait here with the horse-cart."