Chapter 3 Second Chance
Chapter 3 Second Chance Chapter 3 Second Chance "Back then, weather forecasts weren't as accurate as they are now," continued Chloe's uncle. "So the first warning we got that there was a serious storm on the way happened when the wind blew up really strong. Grandma said she hadn't seen the wind so ferocious in years. She told us we had to secure everything and make sure the animals were safely in the barn. "Grandpa was really worried, but he had his leg in a cast, so all he could do was give us
Chapter 3 Second Chance

Chapter 3 Second Chance

"Back then, weather forecasts weren't as accurate as they are now," continued Chloe's uncle."So the first warning we got that there was a serious storm on the way happened when the wind blew up really strong.Grandma said she hadn't seen the wind so ferocious in years.She told us we had to secure everything and make sure the animals were safely in the barn.
"Grandpa was really worried, but he had his leg in a cast, so all he could do was give us advice.While Grandma went out to tie things down,Grandpa sent Chelsea and me out to take the goats into the barn and lock the chickens up.The cows in the barn were getting very agitated.Their intuition was telling them just how severe the storm was going to get.
"With all the rushing around, I'd forgotten that I'd left Snowdrop's pen open earlierso that she could wander around outside in the yard."