Chapter 3 The Algonquin Way of Life
Chapter 3 The Algonquin Way of Life Chapter 3 The Algonquin Way of Life Eagle Feather leaned toward the fire. "When I was a boy," he related, "the elders said that our people had originally lived far to the east. They came here in about the year that the white men call 1400. They were probably forced out of their homeland by the Iroqu." Sagastao smiled at hearing this traditional name for their long time enemies. It meant Rattlesnakes. The French traders had adopted the name and added a Frenc
Chapter 3 The Algonquin Way of Life

Chapter 3 The Algonquin Way of Life
Eagle Feather leaned toward the fire.
"When I was a boy," he related, "the elders said that our people had originally lived far to the east.They came here in about the year that the white men call 1400.They were probably forced out of their homeland by the Iroqu."
Sagastao smiled at hearing this traditional name for their long time enemies.It meant Rattlesnakes. The French traders had adopted the name and added a French ending, making it Iroquois.It was a group name that included the hated Mohawks and several other tribes.
"Great-Grandfather," said Sagastao, "did our people develop the life we know here in the valley,or did they just bring the old ways with them?"
"Who can say? They probably continued some of the old ways and invented new ones.Every place is different and requires some new ways.But the way of life that you know is very old."
For a long time, the old man talked, relating the ways of the Algonquins.Sagastao knew all these things.But he also knew that his people's way of life was threatened.There was no end to the white men who were coming to the valley.The boy realized that his great-grandfather wanted him to memorize every bit of Algonquin life.If their way of life disappeared, at least it would live on in memory.
There were so many things to remember about the way they lived,the way they dressed, and the way they celebrated, Sagastao thought.This village had once been home to three hundred people.Now there were scarcely more than a hundred.Could there really come a time when this would all be gone?