Chapter 3 Working Together
Chapter 3 Working Together Chapter 3 Working Together Manfred's apartment was filled to capacity. All the elderly residents in the apartment building had come to discuss Fernando's idea. Fernando passed out copies of a summary Mama had typed. The summary contained information on how to set up a senior center. Fernando asked the elderly residents for their ideas. Soon everyone was contributing. One woman stated, "I'd like computer classes so I can learn to email my grandchildren." Another w
Chapter 3 Working Together

Chapter 3 Working Together
Manfred's apartment was filled to capacity.All the elderly residents in the apartment building had come to discuss Fernando's idea.
Fernando passed out copies of a summary Mama had typed.The summary contained information on how to set up a senior center.Fernando asked the elderly residents for their ideas. Soon everyone was contributing.
One woman stated, "I'd like computer classes so I can learn to email my grandchildren."
Another woman wanted a practice room to play the trombone.Ms. Monroe agreed. She wanted a room to play the violin.
Then Abuelo stood up. He was very nervous.Abuelo said, "I would like to learn better English."He sat down quickly. He was embarrassed, but he did not need to be timid about his idea.A Japanese man and a Turkish woman agreed with Abuelo. They wanted to learn English, too.