Chapter 4 A Monster Problem
Chapter 4 A Monster Problem Chapter 4 A Monster Problem The next day, Nelly had her own phone plugged into her bedroom. All the monsters in the neighbourhood had heard about Nelly. Nelly the monster-sitter was very much in demand. On Monday, she sang songs to Curdle, the prickly baby monster at Number 16. On Tuesday, she played hide-and-seek with Gunk, the slimy little monster at Number 7. On Wednesday, she did some colouring with Grimp the half-hairy, half-feathery monster at Number 81
Chapter 4 A Monster Problem

Chapter 4 A Monster Problem

The next day, Nelly had her own phone plugged into her bedroom.
All the monsters in the neighbourhood had heard about Nelly.
Nelly the monster-sitter was very much in demand.
On Monday, she sang songs to Curdle, the prickly baby monster at Number 16.
On Tuesday, she played hide-and-seek with Gunk, the slimy little monster at Number 7.
On Wednesday, she did some colouring with Grimp the half-hairy, half-feathery monster at Number 81.
On Thursday, she made muffins for Sludge, the slithery little monster at Number 38.
And on Friday, Nelly monster-sat the Squidlets at Number 2.
"I like being a monster-sitter," thought Nelly, happily.
It was Saturday evening at 5:45 when Nelly's phone rang again. "Hello," said Nelly.
"Hello," said a faint and whispery voice. "Are you Nelly the monster- sitter?" "That's me!" said Nelly.
"Could you please, please, please monster-sit for us this evening?
We'd so, so, so like to go out and have some fun," croaked the voice.