Chapter 4 Old Man Spewter-Splutter
Chapter 4 Old Man Spewter-Splutter Chapter 4 Old Man Spewter-Splutter The next morning, the sun came out. Brer Wolf threw open his curtains, and what should he see but his old horse-cart standing outside his house? But no bag of chickens on the back. It didn't take him very long to work out what had happened. "That mangy little rabbit-brained muppet, Brer Rabbit!" he growled. With a face like thunder, he set off up the road towards Brer Fox's house. When Brer Rabbit woke up, he felt just f
Chapter 4 Old Man Spewter-Splutter

Chapter 4 Old Man Spewter-Splutter

The next morning, the sun came out.Brer Wolf threw open his curtains, and what should he see but his old horse-cart standing outside his house?But no bag of chickens on the back.
It didn't take him very long to work out what had happened.
"That mangy little rabbit-brained muppet, Brer Rabbit!" he growled.With a face like thunder, he set off up the road towards Brer Fox's house.
When Brer Rabbit woke up, he felt just fine.
His wife said that since the sun had come out, he ought go down to the hardware shop to buy some things for the family.
"What do we need?" asked Brer Rabbit.
"Seven tin cups for the children to drink from," said his wife."Seven tin plates for them to eat off.And a new coffee-pot to put on the stove." "Okey-dokey," said Brer Rabbit.
He skipped off down the big road towards the hardware shop.And he whistled up at the birds when he spotted them circling in the blue sky.
But he didn't spot the small eyes of Brer Fox and the grey eyes of Brer Wolf, watching him from the woods.
"He must be going to the hardware shop," blinked Brer Fox.
"Well,that's just fine," said Brer Wolf, snapping his big teeth together."Let's arrange a little surprise for him."
Brer Fox nodded and gave a chuckle, down in his red belly. "Heh-heh-heh!"
The two of them headed off through the woods towards the home of their old friend, Brer Bear.
It was a long, dusty walk to the hardware shop.Brer Rabbit bought the tin cups, he bought the tin plates and he bought the coffee-pot to put on the stove.
Then he headed home. But the walk back was no shorter than the walk there.And, when he got to the steep hill between the cornfields, he was feeling pretty tired.So he sat down by the side of the road to catch his breath.
Now, as he was sitting there, he noticed some prints in the sand.Someone had been there only a short while before.
He scratched his head and looked a little closer at the marks in the sand.
One was the print of something with a long, bushy tail.Beside it was the print of something with a long, thin tail.And beside that was a great, big, round print of something that didn't have a tail at all.
Brer Rabbit knew full well who those tails belonged to.And he knew who had left the big, round print as well.
"Brer Fox and Brer Wolf are playing smart, are they?" he said to himself.
"They've come up here to lay a trap for me.And they've brought Brer Bear along with them, too.It won't be the first time they've tried it.And it won't be the first time I get them before they get me."