Chapter 4 One Plan ... Two Plans
Chapter 4 One Plan ... Two Plans Chapter 4 One Plan ... Two Plans Finally Eddy said in a calm voice, "I have a plan, but we all have to work together. Since I have the most caving experience, I'll take Dora and Ric to look for Chico. Mrs. Cruz, will you stay here with Sylvia and the others? I'll leave one walkie-talkie with you, and maybe you can make contact with the ranger station after the storm lets up." Mrs. Cruz started to answer Eddy, but Sylvia interrupted, "It's a good plan, Eddy, but
Chapter 4 One Plan ... Two Plans

Chapter 4 One Plan ... Two Plans
Finally Eddy said in a calm voice, "I have a plan, but we all have to work together.Since I have the most caving experience, I'll take Dora and Ric to look for Chico.Mrs. Cruz, will you stay here with Sylvia and the others?I'll leave one walkie-talkie with you,and maybe you can make contact with the ranger station after the storm lets up."
Mrs. Cruz started to answer Eddy, but Sylvia interrupted,"It's a good plan, Eddy, but I have a plan, too.My aunt will stay here, but I'm going for help.The ranger station isn't that far, and this storm could go on for hours.We can't wait that long to be rescued."
"Sylvia, isn't it too dangerous to go for help alone?" asked Mrs. Cruz.
"Your aunt is right - the storm is violent and there could also be flooding outside the cave," added Eddy.
"I'll stay on high ground and be very careful,and besides, Tia Rosita, you have to stay with Felipe, and Eddy has to help Dora find Chico," Sylvia replied.
"But Sylvia, what if it's too late for Chico and something terrible has already happened to him?"asked Dora in a frightened voice.
"He could have been bitten by a snake or some other animal," suggested Lucy.
"Or what if he can't see in the dark cave and falls into a pit?" asked Ric.
"Now stop right there," ordered Sylvia."Chico is a small, bright dog who is pretty fast and could probably outrun most animals,and I'm sure that right now he is trying to find his way back to us."
"Sylvia could be right," Eddy said encouragingly."Let's try her plan - it just might work."