Tomb Raiders
Tomb Raiders Tomb Raiders Introduction For many years, adventurers searched Egypt for ancient treasures. The pharaohs, who were the kings of ancient Egypt, had been buried with fabulous riches all around them. The ancient Egyptians believed that their pharaohs would need possessions in the Afterlife, so they were buried with all their favourite ornaments. The Egyptians also believed that a pharaoh would need his body in the Afterlife and so they mummified their dead rulers, and left food and
Tomb Raiders

Tomb Raiders

For many years, adventurers searched Egypt for ancient treasures.The pharaohs, who were the kings of ancient Egypt,had been buried with fabulous riches all around them.The ancient Egyptians believed that their pharaohs would need possessions in the Afterlife,so they were buried with all their favourite ornaments.The Egyptians also believed that a pharaoh would need his body in the Afterlifeand so they mummified their dead rulers, and left food and drink with them.
Valley of the Kings, Egypt
They were then ready for their journey beyond death.
The precious things sealed up in the tombs attracted robbers.Many tombs were broken open and stripped clean just a few years after they were sealed.Others were plundered in more recent times.When archaeologists came to study ancient Egypt at the beginning of the 20th century,they found relatively little was left.No tomb had ever been found complete and undisturbed. That was, until November 1922...
A guide stands by an ancient sarcophagus