Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Prince Saffron sheathed his sword and raised his shield. "Onward, Valiant," he commanded, and his enormous, white steed took off at full gallop. Acitcratna, the ice-breathing dragon, had turned the princess into an ice sculpture. "I'm not Zelazny Roger," said the voice in the mirror. "But I, too, am a magnificent writer, and if you'll excuse me, I have to go save a princess." Was Miranda still dreaming? "Ow!" she cried as she pinched herself. Nope, she was awake. Or was s
Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Prince Saffron sheathed his sword and raised his shield."Onward, Valiant," he commanded, and his enormous, white steed took off at full gallop.Acitcratna, the ice-breathing dragon, had turned the princess into an ice sculpture.
"I'm not Zelazny Roger," said the voice in the mirror."But I, too, am a magnificent writer, and if you'll excuse me, I have to go save a princess."
Was Miranda still dreaming? "Ow!" she cried as she pinched herself. Nope, she was awake.Or was she in a nightmare in which she was dreaming she was awake?
Hadn't she read a story where something like that happened? She checked her notes.It could have been one of the books by Octavia Butler,who was the third author she had read after reading five books by a different author.
Maybe Harris was correct about her need to take a break from sci-fi.Then she realized what must be happening.
"All right, Harris," she said. "I know you are playing a trick on me.Ha-ha, you got me. You can come out now."
"My name isn't Harris," said the face in the mirror. "It is Miranda. James Miranda."