Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper
Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper Alice went near the house. "It's very noisy," she thought, "and they can't hear the bell with all that noise." Alice decided to go in. In the house she found the Duchess and the cook. The Duchess was sitting on a very small chair with a baby in her arms. The cook was at the fire. She was very busy: she was preparing soup in a very big pot. "Too much pepper in that soup," Alice said to herself. "With all this pepper everybody is sneezing.
Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper

Chapter 6 Pig and Pepper

Alice went near the house. "It's very noisy," she thought, "and they can't hear the bell with all that noise." Alice decided to go in. In the house she found the Duchess and the cook. The Duchess was sitting on a very small chair with a baby in her arms. The cook was at the fire. She was very busy: she was preparing soup in a very big pot.
"Too much pepper in that soup," Alice said to herself. "With all this pepper everybody is sneezing."
"Noisy, noisy. It's a very noisy place! The baby's crying and the cook's making a lot of noise," Alice thought.
Near the fire Alice saw a big cat. It had a big grin on its face.
Alice was very curious about the cat's grin so she asked the Duchess,
"I would like to know why your cat grins like that."
"Because it's a Cheshire cat. Pig!" said the Duchess.
Alice thought the Duchess was shouting at her. But she wasn't. She was shouting at her baby. "It's very strange," said Alice.
"What?" asked the Duchess. "A grinning cat," answered Alice.
"They all grin, don't you know?" asked the Duchess. "No, I don't," replied Alice.
"You don't know much!" said the Duchess.
Suddenly the cook started to throw things at the Duchess and at the baby. All sorts of things: pots, jars, knives.
Alice was sorry for the baby. "Please be careful! You'll hurt the baby!"
"Don't worry about the baby. It's my baby," said the Duchess and she started to sing:
Speak roughly to your little boy. And beat him when be sneezes: He only does it to annoy, Because he knows it teases.
"Here's the baby!" the Duchess threw the baby to Alice. "I must go now. I must play croquet with the Queen," she said.
Alice had the baby in her arms. The baby was noisy like a baby pig. It was becoming a ... pig.