Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Chapter 7 In the car with the pig in it, the pig was having a very good time. The wind was tickling her ears. The sun was warm on her snout. Even though she was not the one behind the wheel, Mercy was happy. Mr. Watson was happy, too. "There's nothing like a fast drive to clear the mind!" he shouted. "Isn't that right, my dear?" "Oink," said Mercy. "It is wonderful to go fast," said a voice from the back seat. "Who said that?" said Mr. Watson. "Me," said Baby Lincoln. M
Chapter 7

Chapter 7
In the car with the pig in it, the pig was having a very good time.
The wind was tickling her ears. The sun was warm on her snout.
Even though she was not the one behind the wheel, Mercy was happy.
Mr. Watson was happy, too.
"There's nothing like a fast drive to clear the mind!" he shouted."Isn't that right, my dear?" "Oink," said Mercy.