Chapter 7 Jobs and Jobs
Chapter 7 Jobs and Jobs Chapter 7 Jobs and Jobs When I got off the bus, I zoomed to Room Nine. That's because I wanted Job Day to start very quick. Only first we had to take attendance. And then we had to say I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. Except I don't know what that dumb story is even talking about. Then finally Mrs. clapped her loud hands together. And guess what? Job Day started, that's what! "Boys and gir
Chapter 7 Jobs and Jobs

Chapter 7 Jobs and Jobs
When I got off the bus, I zoomed to Room Nine.That's because I wanted Job Day to start very quick. Only first we had to take attendance.
And then we had to say I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the republic for which it stands.
Except I don't know what that dumb story is even talking about.
Then finally Mrs. clapped her loud hands together.
And guess what? Job Day started, that's what!
"Boys and girls, you all look wonderful in your outfits!" Mrs. said."I can't wait to learn what all of you want to be when you grow up!Who would like to go first?" "I would! I would!" I yelled out.
Only then my bestest friend Lucille raised her hand very polite. And she got to go first.
Lucille looked the most beautifulest I've ever seen her.
She was wearing a new dress that her nanna bought for her.It was the color of pink velvet.
Also she had on shiny pink shoes. And socks with bows and lace on them.
Lucille's nanna is loaded, I think.
Lucille went to the front of the room.She reached into a little bag and pulled out a sparkling crown with jewels on it!