Chapter 8 Morning
Chapter 8 Morning Chapter 8 Morning Morning came very early. It was still dark outside. I jiggled Lucille and that Grace. 'I'm hungry," I said. "Are you guys hungry. I am really, really hungry." I shook them some more. "Let's eat. You wanna eat? I really, really wanna eat." Finally, Lucille and that Grace yawned and stretched. Then all of us put on our bathrobes and our slippers. And we went down the hall to get the nanna for breakfast. Lucille shaked her real gentle. "Wake up, Nann
Chapter 8 Morning

Chapter 8 Morning
Morning came very early. It was still dark outside.
I jiggled Lucille and that Grace.
'I'm hungry," I said. "Are you guys hungry. I am really, really hungry."
I shook them some more. "Let's eat. You wanna eat? I really, really wanna eat."
Finally, Lucille and that Grace yawned and stretched.
Then all of us put on our bathrobes and our slippers.And we went down the hall to get the nanna for breakfast.
Lucille shaked her real gentle. "Wake up, Nanna," she whispered.
"Wake up, Nanna," said that Grace.
"Wake up, Nanna," I said. The nanna did a snore.
That's how come we had to pull her up by her arms.And we turned a bright light in her face.
The nanna yawned real big. It was not pleasant.
After that, she got her robe and slippers. And she went downstairs with us.
We sat at the long dining room table again. The nanna passed out cereal bowls.