Chapter 9 Aloha!
Chapter 9 Aloha! Chapter 9 Aloha! Day Five Dear first-grade journal. It is already tomorrow morning. Mother and Daddy are still sleeping. Only I don't even know how they could even go to sleep at all last night! 'Cause yesterday was the excitingest day of my life! Donald talked in the microphone the whole way home. He said that the bird was just a baby. And it thought my head was a giant flower, probably. Also he said how brave I was. And that I was a delightful little girl. It w
Chapter 9 Aloha!

Chapter 9 Aloha!
Day Five
Dear first-grade journal. It is already tomorrow morning.
Mother and Daddy are still sleeping.Only I don't even know how they could even go to sleep at all last night!
'Cause yesterday was the excitingest day of my life!
Donald talked in the microphone the whole way home.
He said that the bird was just a baby. And it thought my head was a giant flower, probably.
Also he said how brave I was. And that I was a delightful little girl.
It was a very interesting conversation.
But that was not even the end of my exciting bird day!
On account of last night I took a bubble bath. And Squeezer got all warmish and so apish.
And what do you know? He slipped right off with the bubbles!
I am getting to be excellent with birds!
Someday I will be a nature Guy, probably. I thought for a second.
Hmm. Or maybe I will be a photo-journal guy, possibly. I tapped on my chin.
No, wait! Maybe I might like to arrange hair flowers!'Cause I have a talent for that, too, I believe.
From, Junie B., Nature Guy and Other possible Stuff
I put my pencil down and took out my photo journal.
'Cause after the bus trip yesterday, we went right to the drugstore.And we got my pictures developed. And they turned out beautifully, I tell you!
I showed them to Philip Johnny Bob and Squeezer. They loved them very much.
Also, I tried to show them to Delores. But she was busy getting a facial.
After I finished looking at the pictures, I lined them up in my journal.