Chapter 9 My Proudest Honor
Chapter 9 My Proudest Honor Chapter 9 My Proudest Honor Pet Day in Room Nine was very exciting! There were cages with furry animals. And bowls with fish. Plus also there was a snake. And a hermit crab. And a rooster. "That rooster is mine," said that meanie Jim I hate. "He will peck your head off if I tell him to. He will peck it right into a nub." I made a sick face. 'Cause a nub does not sound pleasant. Just then, Lucille skipped over to me. "Look, Junie B.! Look at my darling ridi
Chapter 9 My Proudest Honor

Chapter 9 My Proudest Honor
Pet Day in Room Nine was very exciting!
There were cages with furry animals. And bowls with fish.Plus also there was a snake. And a hermit crab. And a rooster.
"That rooster is mine," said that meanie Jim I hate."He will peck your head off if I tell him to.He will peck it right into a nub."
I made a sick face. 'Cause a nub does not sound pleasant.
Just then, Lucille skipped over to me.
"Look, Junie B.! Look at my darling riding outfit!See my darling riding hat? And see my darling riding pants?And look, Junie B.! Here's a picture of my darling pony!And look at my darling riding boots! They are genuine rawhide cowhide!"
I smiled very admiring. "You are a beaut, Lucille," I said. Grace pulled on my arm.
"Junie B.! Junie B.! Come see Slicky! He's my goldfish, remember?I bought him a brand-new bowl! Come see it! Come see it!"
Just then, my teacher clapped her loud hands together.
"Boys and girls! Everyone needs to sit down right now!What an exciting day we're going to have in Room Nine today!"
We hurried up and sat. Mrs. pointed to the pet table in the back of the room.
"Who would like to go first?" she asked."Who would like to introduce us to their pet?"
"Me!" I shouted. "Me! Me! Me!" Then I springed right out of my seat.
But Mrs. said sit down to me. And she called on Crybaby William.'Cause that guy never springs, that's why. William went to the pet table.
He pointed to his bullfrog named Wendell.
"I just got him on Saturday," said William very shy. Mrs. smiled.
"Well, he certainly is a handsome bullfrog," she said."Would you like to take Wendell out of his tank for us, William?Would you like to show the children how to hold a bullfrog?"
Then William's face got whitish and sickish.And he started sweating a real lot.
That's how come Mrs. had to put a wet towel on his head.And she said he didn't have to hold Wendell. Charlotte went next.
She showed us her bunny named Slippers.
She carried him all around the room. And she let us pet his head.
Slippers smelled like stinky feet.
After Charlotte came Paulie Allen Puffer.