Chapter Four Sir Edmond's Earth Exploration Craft
Chapter Four Sir Edmond's Earth Exploration Craft Chapter Four Sir Edmond's Earth Exploration Craft Thud! The boys hit the bottom. "Are you all right?" they both asked at the same time. The boys could only see shadows. Kenny looked at Toby and said, "There has got to be some way out of here." They looked around for a ladder, a rope, anything that would help them get home again. There was nothing. Both boys were stunned with fear. Toby explored a dark corner hoping to find something. Suddenly,
Chapter Four Sir Edmond's Earth Exploration Craft

Chapter Four Sir Edmond's Earth Exploration Craft

Thud! The boys hit the bottom."Are you all right?" they both asked at the same time. The boys could only see shadows.Kenny looked at Toby and said, "There has got to be some way out of here."They looked around for a ladder, a rope, anything that would help them get home again.There was nothing. Both boys were stunned with fear.
Toby explored a dark corner hoping to find something.Suddenly, he bumped into something made of metal.He could see that it was a huge machine of some sort.It had one tiny door on the side and four windows near the top. It was shaped like a pear.On top was a huge drill that pointed up toward the top of the volcano.Toby called out, "Kenny, what is this thing?"
Kenny spotted a note tied to the door and tore it off and read it aloud."Hello there, you must have had a bumpy ride down.My name is Sir Edmond, and you have found my Earth Exploration Craft.I came to this volcano from England.Please do not take this craft; I will be back in two days to drive it home."Kenny looked sad. "Toby, this note was written March 3, 1903."
This was not good news. Toby tried to open the door, but it was rusted shut.Just then, Kenny screamed, "Toby, Toby, look!"There was a huge serpent coming toward them. Both pulled until the door finally opened.The snake pounded the windows, releasing hideous sounds before it stole away into a dark corner.
"Toby, what was that thing?"
Toby looked at Kenny and said, "That giant serpent would have eaten us alive if we hadn't found this machine."The boys decided not to go back out, as the serpent was still hiding in the darkness.Toby pulled a red lever and a bunch of lights went on. The machine still worked!Toby and Kenny began reading the labels on the different levers, switches, and buttons.Kenny figured out how to run the big drill on top,and Toby was able to start the rockets on the bottom of the machine.
The machine was not made to fly, though.Sir Edmond designed it to burrow into the ground and make tunnels.Toby excitedly said, "Sir Edmond tunneled his way here from England!Wow, this is so neat! Maybe we can use this craft to get home."
Just then, there was a knock at the door.Feeling tormented, they jumped and feared the serpent had returned. "Help me, I'm really scared!"The boys looked at each other in amazement as they recognized Maria's face."Let me in! That hideous serpent is still here," she screamed as the boys opened the door for her."I heard you talking about the volcano and thought it sounded like a good idea,so I followed you to the top and slipped on the rocks," Maria explained.