Chapter 4 Behind the Scenes
Chapter 4 Behind the Scenes Chapter 4 Behind the Scenes That afternoon, Jen dashed out of her classroom as quickly as possible, without stopping to talk to any of her friends. "I have to hurry and meet Grandfather," she thought, "so that he dosen't have a chance to walk all the way to the school!" She walked quickly past teachers, weaving back and forth between the other kids, and out the door. Jen ran down the sidewalk, relieved that Grandfather wasn't in front of the school, but wondering why
Chapter 4 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 4 Behind the Scenes
That afternoon, Jen dashed out of her classroom as quickly as possible, without stopping to talk to any of her friends."I have to hurry and meet Grandfather," she thought, "so that he dosen't have a chance to walk all the way to the school!"She walked quickly past teachers, weaving back and forth between the other kids, and out the door.
Jen ran down the sidewalk, relieved that Grandfather wasn't in front of the school,but wondering why she didn't even see him at the corner.She ran to the white house, stopping breathlessly in front of the tall bushes where, just around the corner and out of sight, stood Grandfather.
"Well there you are!" he said, smiling broadly."Shall we go?" He had been standing there reading a book, but now he tucked it under his arm.
After they had walked in silence for a while, Grandfather cleared his throat and said,"Jen, wouldn't you like me to meet you right in front of the school?"
Jen, too nervous to look at him, said, "Oh ... well ... sure ... I guess that might be a good thing to do sometime, Grandfather."
"Tell me, do you think that I look funny compared to your friends' parents?"
"It's true," thought Jen, "Grandfather really can read minds, just like Mother and Father really do have eyes in the back of their heads!"
Jen didn't say anything, which was almost the same as telling Grandfather that he was absolutely right.She tried not to look at Grandfather because she didn't want him to read her mind again!
Most days Yun would have walked home with Jen, but today she and Lum were walking together, laughing and talking.Yun had permission to visit with Lum at the restaurant that her parents owned, and she was looking forward to it.As they walked, Yun told Lum about last night's English lesson at home,describing the questions she had asked Grandmother about getting around on the bus and the train.Yun admitted that she had even made Grandmother practice all the words she thought she would need on Saturday.
"It's going to be such a bother, dragging around our bags and switching to the train and worrying about Grandmother, too," complained Yun.
"I think your grandmother will be OK," Lum said laughing.
"Well, maybe so, but I'm still a little upset about my mother going off to stay with Auntie May this weekend.How could such a little baby turn out to be such big trouble?"