CHAPTER 3 The storm
CHAPTER 3 The storm CHAPTER 3 The storm That night a storm blew up. Waves reared their foaming heads, blinding rain poured down. The boat rolled and heaved. I don't recall much about that night. I do remember seeing the watchman snoring in a pool of rum. And no one was at the wheel. I don't suppose any of us could stand, let alone steer. We might well have sunk to a watery grave had not someone taken charge. The sailor began to shout orders. 'Trim the mainsail! More tack on the jib! Look l
CHAPTER 3 The storm

CHAPTER 3 The storm

That night a storm blew up. Waves reared their foaming heads, blinding rain poured down.The boat rolled and heaved.
I don't recall much about that night. I do remember seeing the watchman snoring in a pool of rum.And no one was at the wheel. I don't suppose any of us could stand, let alone steer.We might well have sunk to a watery grave had not someone taken charge.