Chapter 9 Deadly steam bath
Chapter 9 Deadly steam bath Chapter 9 Deadly steam bath "Turn east and proceed for two miles," the computer said. George moved his finger along the red line. They passed massive mountains of lava and ash. Searing clouds of sulphur gushed from the sides and tops of the volcanoes. Light from the pod fell on different parts of the rock walls. Shrimp and mussels clung bravely to the sides of huge pillars of solid lava. It was an eerie underwater scene. Suddenly, an enormous fountain of steam sh
Chapter 9 Deadly steam bath

Chapter 9 Deadly steam bath

"Turn east and proceed for two miles," the computer said.George moved his finger along the red line.
They passed massive mountains of lava and ash.Searing clouds of sulphur gushed from the sides and tops of the volcanoes.Light from the pod fell on different parts of the rock walls.Shrimp and mussels clung bravely to the sides of huge pillars of solid lava.It was an eerie underwater scene.
Suddenly, an enormous fountain of steam shot from the volcano on their right.The children screamed. In a panic, George jerked his finger to the left but too quickly.The pod swung wildly, heading straight towards a large and solid mass of rocks.More screaming. George corrected the movement - and then they were clear.