CHAPTER FOUR The Soul's First Journey
CHAPTER FOUR The Soul's First Journey CHAPTER FOUR The Soul's First Journey After a year, the soul came down to the sea and called the young fisherman. He came out of the sea, and said, 'Why do you call me?' The soul answered, 'Come nearer. I want to speak to you because I saw marvellous things.' So he came nearer, and sat in the water and listened. The soul said to him, 'When I left you, I went towards the East and travelled. Everything wise comes from the East. After six days I came to the
CHAPTER FOUR The Soul's First Journey
CHAPTER FOUR The Soul's First Journey
After a year, the soul came down to the sea and called the young fisherman.He came out of the sea, and said, 'Why do you call me?'The soul answered, 'Come nearer.I want to speak to you because I saw marvellous things.'
So he came nearer, and sat in the water and listened.
The soul said to him, 'When I left you, I went towards the East and travelled.Everything wise comes from the East. After six days I came to the land of the Tartars.One night I saw a fire in a camp of a company of merchants.I went to them and the chief of merchants stood up and took his sword.
'Who are you?' he asked. 'I am a Prince and I escaped from the Tartars,' I replied.
'He lowered his head as a sign of respect and took my hand.