Chapter 3 Gladiators!
Chapter 3 Gladiators! Chapter 3 Gladiators! Jack and Annie hid behind a fruit stall. They waited for a moment, then peered around the corner. "I don't see her," said Jack. "Who was she?" asked Annie. "I don't know. But she looked nuts to me," said Jack. "What's the book say about her?" said Annie. "She won't be in there," said Jack. "Just look," said Annie. Jack sighed and pulled out the book again. To his surprise he found a picture of the old woman. He read aloud: In Roman times, t
Chapter 3 Gladiators!

Chapter 3 Gladiators!
Jack and Annie hid behind a fruit stall.They waited for a moment, then peered around the corner.
"I don't see her," said Jack. "Who was she?" asked Annie.
"I don't know. But she looked nuts to me," said Jack.
"What's the book say about her?" said Annie.
"She won't be in there," said Jack. "Just look," said Annie.
Jack sighed and pulled out the book again.To his surprise he found a picture of the old woman. He read aloud:In Roman times, there were people who could see into the future and warn others about what they saw.These people were called soothsayers.
"See? She wasn't nuts," said Annie. "She was giving us a warning. Just like my nightmare."
"Don't pay attention to that stuff," said Jack. "Soothsayers are from olden times.People from our time don't believe in them."
"Well, I do," said Annie. "I'm sure something bad is about to happen."
Jack sighed. "Come on, we have to keep going.We have to find the lost library. Then we'll leave at once." "We'd better," said Annie.