CHAPTER NINE It's Them! CHAPTER NINE It's Them! One duck was gray with black and white markings. The other had a glossy green head and a rust-colored chest. Both had orange webbed feet and long yellow bills. Quack, quack, they said. Annie looked over her shoulder at Jack. "I memorized the duck rhyme a while ago," she said with a grin. "I knew it would come in handy someday." Jack laughed. "Good work," he said. The two ducks waddled around on their bright orange feet, quacking. Answering cri

One duck was gray with black and white markings.The other had a glossy green head and a rust-colored chest.Both had orange webbed feet and long yellow bills. Quack, quack, they said.
Annie looked over her shoulder at Jack."I memorized the duck rhyme a while ago," she said with a grin."I knew it would come in handy someday." Jack laughed. "Good work," he said.
The two ducks waddled around on their bright orange feet, quacking.Answering cries came from overhead.A flock of ducks was flying through the clear November sky.
"Go on, Balor and Grinda!" Annie shouted to the two mallards. "Go with them now!"
The mallards quacked at Annie.
"Go on!" Jack chimed in. "Fly south for the winter! You'll have fun! We promise!"
The two mallards quacked and flapped their wings.First one and then the other rose off the ground.They flew high into the sky.Jack held his breath as he watched the mallards soar away, flying south over New York City.
Annie put her arms around the unicorn's neck.Then she rested her head on his silky white mane."You're safe now," she said. "But you have to leave us. I have to show you the way to Camelot.The problem is, I don't know how to do that." AHUGA!
Jack looked over at an avenue that bordered the park.A big yellow taxi was parked by the curb.The driver was honking his horn. He waved through the window.
"What's that guy want?" said Annie, sitting up. "I don't know," said Jack.
The driver jumped out of the car. He wore a cap and a plaid scarf."Hey, it's the same driver who deserted us outside the Cloisters," said Annie.
The passenger door of the taxi opened, and a girl stepped out.She was wearing a purple shawl."And that's the girl who told us to get off at the wrong subway stop," said Jack.
The taxi driver and the girl in the shawl both waved at Jack and Annie.Then the driver lifted his cap and pulled down his scarf.He had red curly hair and a wonderfully familiar grin.
The girl pulled the shawl off her head.Beautiful long black curls fell down to her waist.
"It's them!" said Jack. "Teddy! Kathleen!" Annie shouted.