Chapter Two Not Your Ordinary Cell Phone
Chapter Two Not Your Ordinary Cell Phone Chapter Two Not Your Ordinary Cell Phone It took Oliver almost 30 minutes to end up on Jessica Blue's doorstep. A tall woman - probably Jessica's mother - stood in the entryway, adjusting a pair of half-moon glasses on her long, regal nose. "Um, is Jessica here?" Oliver stammered. "And whom shall I say is calling?" Jessica's mother spoke quite formally. "Ollie - I mean Oliver McBride. Carter's brother?" Earlier, after he had seen Carter vanish, Ol
Chapter Two Not Your Ordinary Cell Phone

Chapter Two Not Your Ordinary Cell Phone
It took Oliver almost 30 minutes to end up on Jessica Blue's doorstep.A tall woman - probably Jessica's mother - stood in the entryway,adjusting a pair of half-moon glasses on her long, regal nose.
"Um, is Jessica here?" Oliver stammered.
"And whom shall I say is calling?" Jessica's mother spoke quite formally.
"Ollie - I mean Oliver McBride. Carter's brother?"
Earlier, after he had seen Carter vanish, Oliver had grabbed his own cell phone and wallet.Struggling into his jacket, he yelled to his parents,"Good-bye! I'm going to Joey's now!" Then he ran for the door.
Bailey lay in his path, wrapped in a shawl of paper towels. Her eyes were closed.
"One kiss fwom the prince, and Sweeping Beauty will awaken hewself," she whispered.Oliver swooped her up and gave her a wet smack on the cheek and quickly put her down.
Oliver headed straight for the basketball courts behind the high school.His brother had to be there. After all, people don't just vanish into thin air.Two boys, juniors like Carter, were playing a game of one-on-one.
They continued their game, but shouted to Oliver and asked him where Carter was.Oliver muttered that he had thought Carter would be there.One of the boys, Jonah, laughed and asked Oliver if he saw Carter anywhere on the court.Oliver desperately looked around one more time and then shook his head.
"So, you haven't seen him?" Oliver's breath twirled white in the air.
Jonah shook his head and focused on the game.Then he abruptly stopped and told Oliver to try Gadget's house.She and Carter were working on a project for the technology fair.Oliver remembered that Gadget was the nickname kids gave Jessica Blue, Carter's lab partner.What else would you call someone who took apart her first appliance when she was only four?