Did You Hear?
Did You Hear? Did You Hear? One morning as Berta and her twin brother Sergio were on their way to school, Berta stopped suddenly. Sergio asked her what was wrong, but Berta couldn't speak. "Berta, stop joking around," said Sergio, "or we'll be late for school." Berta knew that she had to warn Sergio of the huge snake that was coming near them, but she couldn't say anything because she was too afraid that the snake would get them. "What is wrong with you?" asked Sergio. When Berta was fin
Did You Hear?

Did You Hear?

One morning as Berta and her twin brother Sergio were on their way to school, Berta stopped suddenly.Sergio asked her what was wrong, but Berta couldn't speak.
"Berta, stop joking around," said Sergio, "or we'll be late for school."
Berta knew that she had to warn Sergio of the huge snake that was coming near them,but she couldn't say anything because she was too afraid that the snake would get them.
"What is wrong with you?" asked Sergio.
When Berta was finally able to speak, she shouted, "Snake!"
"What are you talking about?" asked Sergio.
"Don't you see it over by the huge rock?" asked Berta as she tried to hide behind her brother.
"I don't think it will bite," said Sergio with a big grin on his face.
"How do you know?" asked Berta closing her eyes.
"Look at it closely," said Sergio.
Berta opened her eyes just in time to see Mr. Kania pulling a garden hose through the grass.
"Well, Berta, not only is Mr. Kania a school custodian, but he's a snake handler, too," Sergio teased.
"Very funny," said Berta, as her face became very red.
By recess, Berta had forgotten all about the "snake."She and her friends were sitting on the swings, and they began talking about the plans that they had for Friday night.
"I can't wait to go to the music store," said Mai.
"I am so happy that you found out that Rick Eebee has a new CD coming out, Berta," said Sarah.
"I wish that I could get him to sign the poster that I have of him," said Berta.
"I just want to ask him where he gets his ideas for the songs that he writes and sings," said Mai.
While Berta and her friends were talking, Sergio was telling his friends about what had happened with Berta that morning.
"I can hardly believe that Berta thought that she had seen a snake," said Jamil.
"I've never seen anyone as scared as she was," said Sergio.
"You should have let her think that the snake was going to bite her when she closed her eyes," added Jason.
"Yeah, that would have been really funny," said Jamil.
Peng, who was a girl from the twins' class, was playing soccer near Sergio and his friends.She heard some of what they said and rushed over to tell her friends.
"Guess what?" asked Peng. "I heard Sergio talking about Berta seeing a snake that almost bit her."
The three girls gasped and looked over at Berta.
"Wow," said Ellie, "I wonder how she got away."
The three girls continued whispering about Berta.Every few minutes they would stop talking, look over at Berta, and point.Berta wondered why Peng and her friends kept looking and pointing at her.
Then the bell rang, and the children had to go inside.Once inside, Berta's teacher said that it was time for writing.Berta was so excited to continue writing her letter to Rick Eebee that she forgot all about Peng and her friends.After a while, Berta started to get a headache, so she put her head on her desk for the rest of writing time.
When it was almost time to go home, Berta's teacher told them that they wouldn't have any homework that night.Everyone in the class cheered except Berta.
"Aren't you glad that there's no homework tonight?" asked Mai.
"I am glad. It's just that my head hurts," said Berta.
"Maybe you should go home and take a nap instead of coming over to my house today," said Mai.
"I think I'll do that," said Berta. "I'm sorry that I won't be able to help you bake cookies."
"That's OK," said Mai.
The students were lined up by the door to go to their lockers.All Berta could think about was going home and getting into bed.She was glad that she didn't have to talk to anyone on her way home.