KAPUAPUA'S MAGIC SHELL KAPUAPUA'S MAGIC SHELL Far out in the Pacific Ocean a man sailed his small canoe. The sail caught the wind, and the waves pushed it towards a small island. The island looked tiny because it was so far away. The man in the canoe was Kapuapua. Kapuapua was an old Hawaiian man who had spent many years sailing from island to island in the Pacific Ocean. He was looking for food and good drinking water. He was hungry and thirsty. The wind hit his sail, and the waves carried h


Far out in the Pacific Ocean a man sailed his small canoe.The sail caught the wind, and the waves pushed it towards a small island.The island looked tiny because it was so far away.
The man in the canoe was Kapuapua.Kapuapua was an old Hawaiian man who had spent many years sailing from island to island in the Pacific Ocean.He was looking for food and good drinking water.He was hungry and thirsty.The wind hit his sail, and the waves carried him closer to shore.
Kapuapua was a kind and gentle old man.He had long white hair, thick bushy eyebrows, and a big belly.Kapuapua knew many stories.Children loved to sit around him and listen to his stories.
Kapuapua's canoe was getting very close to the shore.He smelled the wonderful aroma coming from the beautiful flowers on the island.He decided that this was an island he wanted to visit.
Kapuapua's canoe slid onto the sandy beach.He laughed to himself. He loved being on land again.
Some of the children from the island saw him.They ran to tell their parents about the strange old man.Many of the parents were upset because someone had landed on their island.They believed that this stranger would ask them for food and water.Because he was not one of them, they did not want to share their food or water with him.
Kapuapua smelled cooking food.He followed his nose and ended up at the edge of the village.People saw him and they hid their food.
Kapuapua walked to the first house.A woman named Howina asked him what he wanted.Kapuapua very politely asked for some food and water.
Howina pointed to the stream and said,"You can find water over there, but there is no food in this village."Kapuapua walked over to the stream and drank a lot of water.Now he really needed food.
After drinking water, Kapuapua went to the next house.There, he asked for some food.A man named Iz told him to go away.The same thing happened at every house in the village.The people did not want to share food with a stranger.
Soon it became dark and started to rain.No one let this poor old man stay in their home.So Kapuapua fell asleep under a coconut tree.
The next morning Kapuapua felt something hit his head.It was a coconut that fell from the tree.It hurt a little, but it gave him a wonderful idea!
Kapuapua had a plan to get food from the villagers.He needed his magic seashell though.So he walked back to the beach and took the seashell out of his canoe.
Kapuapua walked to the center of the village and began to make a fire under a large black cooking pot.
Kapuapua lit a fire and poured water from the stream into the big pot.Howina asked him what he was doing.He told her he was making his magic seashell soup.
"Whatever in the world is that?" Howina asked.
He laughed. Soon the children joined her.Kapuapua explained that many years ago he met a famous king and went to a great feast with him.Kapuapua cooked his magic seashell soup for the king.The king loved it!
Kapuapua continued with the story.He told the villagers, "As soon as the water boils, I will make a pot of magic soup."But, he told them, they could not have any of his soup.There was only enough for one person.
Soon the villagers asked if they could add some food of their own.Then there would be enough for them to taste.Kapuapua just smiled and kept on stirring.