DAN'S IDEA DAN'S IDEA Chapter 1 Another Day in Mr. Cruz's Class Mr. Cruz said, "Class, open your science texts to page 231, please." "Here we go again," Dan thought. Mr. Cruz was a really smart guy, but he wasn't the kind of teacher who asked kids to learn by doing. Mostly, they just read the textbook. Mr. Cruz would stand in front of the classroom and call on them. "Okay, Darren, you read the next two paragraphs," he would say. "Very good, that's enough, Darren. Please continue, Tamika."


Chapter 1 Another Day in Mr. Cruz's Class
Mr. Cruz said, "Class, open your science texts to page 231, please."
"Here we go again," Dan thought.Mr. Cruz was a really smart guy, but he wasn't the kind of teacher who asked kids to learn by doing.Mostly, they just read the textbook.Mr. Cruz would stand in front of the classroom and call on them.
"Okay, Darren, you read the next two paragraphs," he would say."Very good, that's enough, Darren. Please continue, Tamika."
Dan didn't mind reading the textbook,but sometimes he wished he could get out of his seat and do something.In Mr. Horatio's class, the class did experiments during science all the time.Dan had heard that they were going to have an ant farm in their classroom this month.