Disgusting DENZiL
Disgusting DENZiL Disgusting DENZiL Chapter 1 Everyone's Favourite little Monster "Oh, Denzil!" cried his mother, when he flicked chicken curry, SPLAT! over her best dress. "Denzil, you are disgusting!" said his father, when he squirted tomato ketchup, WHOOSH! over the table. And they both smiled at him admiringly. Denzil felt proud. He knew he was disgusting. People often told him so. "Denzil, you're the most disgusting little monster in Monster City," they said. Every morning he st
Disgusting DENZiL

Disgusting DENZiL

Chapter 1 Everyone's Favourite little Monster

"Oh, Denzil!" cried his mother, when he flicked chicken curry, SPLAT! over her best dress.
"Denzil, you are disgusting!" said his father, when he squirted tomato ketchup, WHOOSH! over the table.
And they both smiled at him admiringly.
Denzil felt proud. He knew he was disgusting. People often told him so.
"Denzil, you're the most disgusting little monster in Monster City," they said.
Every morning he stared happily at himself in the mirror.
His hair was spiky, his nose ran and his mouth dribbled.
No wonder his mother and father adored him.
No wonder his teacher, Miss Peabody, gave him lots of stars.
He was everyone's favourite little monster.
Until the day when it all began to go badly wrong.