Doctor Hamsters Tortoise
Doctor Hamsters Tortoise Doctor Hamsters Tortoise It is a school day. Children, Doctor Hamster has come to talk to us today. Hello everyone! Hello Doctor Hamster! Doctor Hamster is a vet. Who knows what a vet does? That helps sick pets get better. That's right. And I brought some of my pets to show you. This is Binky, the Buchy. Hello Binky. Can I stroke Binky? Yes, very gently. He feels fluffy. So there is feathers. They help him to fly. Flying is helping Binky get
Doctor Hamsters Tortoise

Doctor Hamsters Tortoise

It is a school day.
Children, Doctor Hamster has come to talk to us today.
Hello everyone! Hello Doctor Hamster!
Doctor Hamster is a vet.
Who knows what a vet does?
That helps sick pets get better.
That's right. And I brought some of my pets to show you.
This is Binky, the Buchy. Hello Binky.
Can I stroke Binky? Yes, very gently.
He feels fluffy. So there is feathers.
They help him to fly.
Flying is helping Binky get his exercise.
Can you tell me what else Binky needs to stay fit and healthy?
He needs to eat. Yes.
He needs to drink. That's right.
He needs to breathe a bit. Very good.
He needs to sleep. Excellent.
Woo. Sorry, Madame Gazelle, I overslept.
Oh, Pedro, you do like sleeping.
Yes, Madame Gazelle.
I have got a pet here who loves sleeping.
It's a tortoise. It's Tiddles, the tortoise.
Hello Tiddles!
Tiddles has slept all through the winter. Woo.
Why has he got that shell thing on his back?
That shell is his house.
It's very high if he gets hurt.
Would you like to stroke him?
Yes, please. Don't be scared Tiddles.
How old is he? Tiddles is 33.