Grandpa at the Playground
Grandpa at the Playground Grandpa at the Playground Grandpa pig is looking after Peppa and George today. Now grandpa I will tell you how everything works. This is the slide. You climb up here and you slide down there. And everyone takes it in turns. Ho! Ho! I know what a slide is, Peppa. I used to play on one myself when I was a little piggy. Did you have swings, too in the olden days? Ho! Ho! We had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts. But my favorite was the slide.
Grandpa at the Playground

Grandpa at the Playground

Grandpa pig is looking after Peppa and George today.
Now grandpa I will tell you how everything works.
This is the slide. You climb up here and you slide down there.
And everyone takes it in turns.
Ho! Ho! I know what a slide is, Peppa.
I used to play on one myself when I was a little piggy.
Did you have swings, too in the olden days?
Ho! Ho! We had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts.
But my favorite was the slide.
It's my favorite, too.
Everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide.
Naughty Richard, you know you have to wait your turn.
Richard rabbit finds it's hard to wait his turn.
Oh! Dear, it's not easy being small, is it Richard?
Because Richard is little, I don't think you should have to wait.
I wouldn't change the rules if I were you grandpa pig.
Nonsense, the children understand, don't you?
Grandpa, George is little and he has to wait his turn.
Yes, George is little, so he shouldn't have to wait either.
Oh! Dear, Richard and George are taking all the turns on this slide.
Grandpa, when do we get go on the slide.
Don't worry, Peppa, they won't be on it for long.
I am bored of waiting.
Me too! Let's play on the swing.