Compost Compost Daddy pig is making vegetable soup for lunch. Daddy, can I help? Thank you, Peppa. Can you clear away all these vegetable peelings? Ok. Stop, Peppa. Vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin. They go in this brown bin. Ooh Banana. That's right, George. It's a banana skin. And there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here. Granny and grandpa will like these. Do granny and grandpa pig eat potato peelings? Hahaha. No,


Daddy pig is making vegetable soup for lunch.
Daddy, can I help? Thank you, Peppa.
Can you clear away all these vegetable peelings? Ok.
Stop, Peppa. Vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin.
They go in this brown bin.
Ooh Banana.
That's right, George. It's a banana skin.
And there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here.
Granny and grandpa will like these.
Do granny and grandpa pig eat potato peelings?
Hahaha. No, Peppa.
They're for grandpa's garden.
They help his plants grow. Oh!
We can take these round there after lunch. Oh, goody.
Mummy pig Peppa and George are taking the vegetable peelings over to granny and grandpa pigs house.
We are here.
Grandpa pig. Grandpa Ig.
We've got a special present for you.
Ah. Vegetable peelings.
Fantastic. My garden will like these.
Does your garden eat vegetables?
Hoho. No Peppa.
These peelings are for my compost heap.
What's that? I'll show you. Here it is.