Spring Spring It is spring time. Grandpa pig has made a chocolate egg hunt. Is everybody ready? No, grandpa, Freddie Fox isn't here. Hello, every one. Hello, Freddie. Ah, hello, Mr. Fox, are you staying? I wish I could. I loved egg hunt when I was a little lad. See you later, Freddie. Now, are you ready for the egg hunt? Yes, grandpa pig. There are lots of chocolate eggs hidden in my garden. You must find them. Easy. But be careful not to step on my plants. Oh, i


It is spring time.
Grandpa pig has made a chocolate egg hunt.
Is everybody ready?
No, grandpa, Freddie Fox isn't here.
Hello, every one. Hello, Freddie.
Ah, hello, Mr. Fox, are you staying?
I wish I could. I loved egg hunt when I was a little lad.
See you later, Freddie.
Now, are you ready for the egg hunt?
Yes, grandpa pig.
There are lots of chocolate eggs hidden in my garden.
You must find them. Easy.
But be careful not to step on my plants.
Oh, it's so exciting in spring time.
The seedies baby plant's starting to grow.
We promise to be careful, grandpa.
Very good. Off you go then.
Grandpa pig's chocolate egg hunt has begun.
Have you got time for have a cup of tea, grandpa pig?
Oh, yes. It will take them ages to find my eggs.
I've hidden them very well.
Here's an egg.
Peppa has found a chocolate egg in a plant pot.
Here's another egg.
Rebecca rabbit has found a chocolate egg hiding under a leafy bush.
Hurray, an egg for me.
Emily elephant has found a chocolate egg in the branches of a tree.
I think I can smell chocolate.
Freddie fox has a very good sense of smell. Yes.
Freddie fox has found a chocolate egg in the middle of a bird bath.