
Ana and Her Bike

Ana and Her Bike Ana and Her Bike A bike! My own new bike! Ana was happy. My own helmet! I need a helmet. I need a helmet to ride...

Ten Red Sleds

Ten Red Sleds Ten Red Sleds Look, Nan! Look, Nat! Dad, get the red sleds. Get Ben! Get Sam! Ben and Sam have red sleds. Ben, tell...

All in a Day

All in a Day All in a Day Do you see Nan and Nat? Nat can hit the top of the bin. Do you see Nat hit it? Nan can hit the top of a...

A Musical Adventure

A Musical Adventure A Musical Adventure Can you do it, Nat? Can you tap, Lin? Can you rap, Rob? We can do that. We can rap on the...

Get set Go!

Get set Go! Get set Go! Ben and Mom get set to go. They get in the cab. Ben and Mom see Dad. Ben and Mom look at Dad. Dad tells the...

Going Out

Going Out Going Out Our dog likes to go out in the snow. He likes to go fast on a sled. He likes to skate and he likes to ski. Our...

Hold On!

Hold On! Hold On! Hippo found a skateboard. She got on it. Whoosh! Off she went. Hippo met Giraffe. Giraffe got on "Hold on!" said...

Play Ball!

Play Ball! Play Ball! Here is a big ball. The ball is round. You can kick this ball. You can play with it. Here is a big ball. This...


Pets Pets This is my pet. It is a cat. I like my pet cat. This is my pet. It is a dog. I like my pet dog. This is my pet. It is a...

Kate's Truck

Kate's Truck Kate's Truck Kate got her truck. “I can ride in my truck,” she said. “I want my bear,” said Kate. She put the bear in...

Tap! Rap! Bam!

Tap! Rap! Bam! Tap! Rap! Bam! I can tap. Tap, tap, tap! Pam can rap. Rap, rap, rap! Rin can bam. Bam, bam, bam! Pam likes to rap with...


Chameleons Chameleons Can you spot the chameleons? They can sit a bit on top. Can you sit a bit on top? Can you spot the chameleons?...

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pam, Tim, and Ron have a kit. It is a flower kit. The kids and Mom look in the kit. Can you look in...

What to Do

What to Do What to Do Ben made pancakes for everyone. We like pancakes. The bell rang on the stove. Ben gave us hot pancakes. We drank...

Going to the Shore

Going to the Shore Going to the Shore Dad tosses a very big ball. Lin catches it. We can use it at the shore. We are going for a short...

Jane Takes Her Turn

Jane Takes Her Turn Jane Takes Her Turn Jane visits Peg. She's a nice girl. Peg makes art. What art can Jane make with Peg? They're...