Fly to the Rescue!
Fly to the Rescue! Fly to the Rescue! Once there was a splendid river. The river’s water had a special taste. All the animals liked it. Moose liked the water, too. He drank a lot of it! Two beavers said, “Moose is drinking all our water! What can we do?” Four muskrats said, “We have to stop him.” Eight fish popped up. The fish said, “What about us? We can’t live without water!” The fish said, “Beavers, tell Moose to go away.” The beavers said, “No! Moose is huge!”
Fly to the Rescue!

Fly to the Rescue!

Once there was a splendid river.
The river’s water had a special taste.
All the animals liked it.
Moose liked the water, too.
He drank a lot of it!
Two beavers said, “Moose is drinking all our water!
What can we do?”