Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears Once upon a time, there lived a youngster named Goldilocks. One day, she went for a walk in the woods. She found a house and knocked on the door. No one answered, so she walked in. Three bowls of porridge sat on the table. She tasted the porridge from the big bowl. "This porridge is too hot." she said. She tasted the porridge from the medium bowl. "This porridge is too cold," she said. She tasted the porridge from the small bowl.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time, there lived a youngster named Goldilocks.One day, she went for a walk in the woods.She found a house and knocked on the door.No one answered, so she walked in.

Three bowls of porridge sat on the table.She tasted the porridge from the big bowl."This porridge is too hot." she said.She tasted the porridge from the medium bowl."This porridge is too cold," she said.She tasted the porridge from the small bowl."This porridge is just right," she said and ate it all.

Goldilocks saw three chairs.She sat in the big chair."This chair is too big." she said.She sat in the medium chair."This chair is still too big." she said.

She sat in the small chair."This chair is just right." she said.Then the chair broke!"Oh well." she said.