Gym Class
Gym Class Gym Class Peppa and her friends are going to the gym today. Let's check you've all got your gym kits on. Pedro is wearing a super hero costume. Pedro, where is your gym kits? It's at home. I thought it was dressing-up day! Follow me, children. This is the gym where mommies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves. Are you all having fun? Yes, lots of fun. Your gym teacher for today is Grampy Rabbit? Where is he? Hello, children. Are you ready to exerci
Gym Class

Gym Class

Peppa and her friends are going to the gym today.
Let's check you've all got your gym kits on.
Pedro is wearing a super hero costume.
Pedro, where is your gym kits?
It's at home. I thought it was dressing-up day!
Follow me, children.
This is the gym where mommies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves.
Are you all having fun? Yes, lots of fun.
Your gym teacher for today is Grampy Rabbit?
Where is he? Hello, children.
Are you ready to exercise? Yes, Grampy Rabbit.
Do we have to do that?
No, that's surely for big athletes like me.
Not for little explorers like you.
We are not explorers. I'll make explorers of you.
But you, you look like a super hero.
It's just pretend. Pretending, that's good.
Right, let's warm up.
Everyone run on the spot and flap your arms.
Now, stretch. Stretch. Wobble like a jelly.
And, rest. Now we're all warmed up. We can start.
Start what? Your adventure.
I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle.
It doesn't look like a jungle.
Where're the trees? You have to imagine it.
The trees, the rain, the fast clean river at your feet.