How Does the Mail Work?
How Does the Mail Work? How Does the Mail Work? I will show you how the mail works. First, I write a letter to my aunt in a faraway town. I write about school. I draw a picture of me, my parents, and my dog. I put the letter in an envelope and seal it. I write my aunt's address on the envelope in my best handwriting. Then I put a stamp on the envelope. I make sure it sticks. I don't want it to wash away. I go to the mailbox near my home. My dog keeps me company. I open the box and dro
How Does the Mail Work?

How Does the Mail Work?

I will show you how the mail works.
First, I write a letter to my aunt in a faraway town. I write about school.I draw a picture of me, my parents, and my dog.
I put the letter in an envelope and seal it.I write my aunt's address on the envelope in my best handwriting.